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Greek Tragedy and Modern Identities

More than a hundred years ago, Freud made a new mythology by revising an old one: Oedipus, in Sophocles' tragedy the legendary perpetrator of shocking crimes, was an Everyman whose story of incest and parricide represented the fulfillment of universal and long forgotten childhood wishes. The Oedipus complex--child, mother, father--suited the nuclear families of the mid-twentieth century. But a century after the arrival of the psychoanalytic Oedipus, it might seem that modern lives are very much changed. Typical family formations and norms of sexual attachment are changing, while the conditions of sexual difference, both biologically and socially, have undergone far-reaching modifications.Today, it is possible to choose and live subjective stories that the first psychoanalytic patients could only dream of. Different troubles and enjoyments are speakable and unspeakable; different selves are rejected, discovered, or sought. Many kinds of hitherto unrepresented or unrepresentable identity have entered into the ordinary surrounding stories through which children and adults find their bearings in the world, while others have become obsolete. Biographical narratives that would previously have seemed unthinkable or incredible--"a likely story!"--have acquired the straightforward plausibility of a likely story. read more.............


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Managing People

Managing People This part underpins the rest of the Handbook. It deals with the approaches and philosophies that affect how people are managed in organizations, the roles of the HR function and its members, and the special considerations that affect international people management. The term ‘people management’ embraces the two related concepts of human resource management (HRM) and human capital management (HCM), which are defined and explained in the first two chapters. These have virtually replaced the term ‘personnel management’, although the philosophies and practices of personnel management still provide the foundations for the philosophy and practices of HRM and HCM. The relationships between these aspects of people management are modelled in Figure 0.2 Download

Sigmund Freud Theory

Does Freud still have something to teach us? The premise of this volume is that he most certainly does. Approaching Freud from not only the philosophical but also historical, psychoanalytical, anthropological, and sociological perspectives, the contributors show us how Freud gave us a new and powerful way to think about human thought and action. They consider the context of Freud’s thought and the structure of his arguments to reveal how he made sense of ranges of experience generally neglected or misunderstood. All the central topics of Freud’s work from sexuality and neurosis to morality, art, and culture are covered Free download pdf

Psychology and Achievement
